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Assistance/expertise and good advice pays for itself

The hours will be charged on a cost basis at €80 per hour from arrival at the yard to departure at the yard. km. Rates vary according to complexity. Everything depends on how complicated the scope of the job is, as well as the useful information available. The hours for drawing up an expert report are also charged at the same rate. -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_For very limited services, a minimum amount of € 250.00 excl. VAT will always be charged.

A provisional delivery should be assumed to take an average of 2/3 hours with technical assistance, which is a relatively small investment compared to your total investment. In short, our assistance quickly pays for itself, as we identify defects that you as a private person may never notice and that may frustrate you later or cost you extra money.


We ensure that you can receive your new home with peace of mind, subject to a minimal cost.

If possible, try to document with photos or other evidence. Explain what steps you have already taken.

Following an architectural expertise, we can also assist you in the mediation or notice of default of your contractor/architect or third party.

We can also support the coordination of the repair or adaptation works and ensure that all parties involved keep their agreements until the problem is completely resolved.

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